Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mini-zine Folding

Helloo everyone,

In case you're having trouble remembering today's tutorial, below are visual minizine-folding instructions from Esther K. Smith's "How to Make Books." Still confused? You can find a wide variety of tutorials online, in both text/image and video forms. Just google: "minizine how to fold"... or something along those lines.

A few reminders:
1. don't forget to mark off a 1/4 inch border all the way around
2. make sure to finish in time to Xerox *and* fold 13 copies of your zine the night before class!
3. if you're having trouble with one photocopier, try a different one. If the school photocopiers are giving you trouble, it's well worth the (ahem) 78 cents total (!) it'll take to print 13 of them on a reliable machine with staff to help you and unlimited paper options.

Old People, You Guys...

Breakfast at Sulimay's Series

Monday, March 29, 2010

Proposition: Please Read

Hey guys. So, I've been thinking about our class lately, and about how to sustain an art practice after school, and I wanted to ask you guys something. This class is half way through this semester, and we all know that the second half will go by just as quickly. I really don't want to just move on after our class is done with, so I was thinking about starting a bimonthly pot luck dinner (every other month, not twice a month). I thought it could start with our class, but I was hoping to expand it to other friends and artists. My hope would be to not only share a meal and company, but also create a space for discussion and collaboration. I think we have all had the experience of needing other people at some stage of our art making, and I think its important to start doing something like this now, so that when we do graduate, we aren't dependent on the school system we are in, where we are constantly around fellow artists and we can always access people and resources and get feedback. I was also hoping to pair this with a blog of sorts, like what we have for this class, so we can share interesting things, events and opportunities, as well as organize people for art projects, peer edit each others proposals, exhibit work, etc.

It sounds like a big undertaking, I know, but if we all put in a little time it could easily be done without taking away from any of our school work. I'm really serious about this, I think its really important for us to have something like this. Please leave your thoughts below.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I know we're not updating for our projects anymore, but I came across this article and thought it was super duper interesting. It's about this guy who used to basically be a street fighter/juvenile who got into trouble and was in and out of correctional facilities. Then, he had a brain hemmorage, and now he can't stop painting and writing poetry. weird.

full article