Saturday, February 19, 2011

Dream Journal / Blog: Entry #1

So I always have a good time remembering my dreams ... I remember when I was in middle school or early high school I had to train myself to remember my dreams better because I always had a hard time with it ... I've always been fascinated by dreams/deja-vus/memory(ies) and I was always bummed out that I would go for long periods of times (weeks, a couple of months) without having any dreams. I've gotten a lot better though and I absolutely love avocados ... If you didn't know already, some foods aid with memory including blueberries and avocados.

Anyways, I'll try to share my more interesting dreams ... I always seem to have really bizarre or obscure ones ...


I was on a plan or shuttle of sorts ... like one of those space shuttles ... I was with my mom, my older brother Michael, and my younger brother Alex ... we landed in Las Vegas right as Armageddon was about to start ... We landed the shuttle in a Smith's parking lot (in Vegas, Smith's is the same thing as Chicago's Jewel) just as this beautiful, surreal, out of this world sunset was happening ... It got dark really fast when the sun went behind the mountains and it started to hail/rain/and get pretty bad weather-wise ... We ran for shelter as "Armageddon lightning and thunder" started above us ... When we all got inside, I all of a sudden decided to run back outside to see the storm some more ... I get outside and it's like a cyclone is hitting the city, the wind is ridiculous, palm tree branches are flying everywhere ... Just as I get outside to see all this, I make it just in time to witness this stranger, a man, run across the parking lot in front of me and get struck by lightning, collapsing instantly ... I ran back inside the grocery store to tell my mom ... she was sobbing and apologetic towards me that I had to "see such a thing" ...

And that's all I remember, haha ... it was kind of a cool dream if I do say so myself ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

your dream is scary! I use to forget my dreams too.great post!family doctors