Wednesday, May 11, 2011
The External World
It's really a cool animated short film and it's interesting.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
My Chat with Milton
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Art? make something that people will like!
" There's always good people and bad people everywhere"
"TELLING TRUTH to people is important.
You don't have to worry anything.
, and you might get better job."
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Milton says...
“Pearl Harbor. Just as soon we land there, y’know with the boat. Dinga-linga-ling! The war is over! The japs surrender. So I was sort of…sad, y’know.”
“Has anybody ever bothered you? Pull your hair? Try to touch your breasts? I went to a school like that. But I didn’t do it. I grabbed them outside and I says “next time, you won’t have a hand.””
Bob Bringer
Me: 80?
Bob: I'm 95. My mother lived to be 135.
Niaz: Did you travel on a plane before?
Bob: I'll never fly again.
N: How many times did you go on the plane?
Bob: ........................ As long as they stay up there, it's good.
Milton 2
me and Ann's art work
ALYSSA: Wait, do you like art?
ALYSSA: Do you like art?
MILTON: I like to see it … can’t say I can do it.
ALYSSA: Wait, do you want to see some of my art?
ALYSSA: Do you want to see some of my art?
MILTON: I have to have something in my ear so I can hear you.
VICTOR: Yeah. [PAUSE] Do you guys take trips up to the lake? To visit the lake ever?
MILTON: Yeah … when there’s a bus. See, everything that we wanna do, we have to do it right away. Y’know, can’t wait all the time.
VICTOR: Right.
MILTON: Some people here wanna have their hair cut, they wanna shave, and when you’re going to a nice place to eat …
VICTOR: What’s your favorite part about Chicago?
MILTON: [SMILING] Huhh […] Marshall Field, now it’s –
ALYSSA: Macy’s.
ALYSSA: Have you seen the Macy’s Flower Show?
MILTON: Here? No.
MILTON: Flowers … I didn’t make ‘em … in fact, I wouldn’t have any.
Talking with Erlinda
Erlinda, 86?
Lived in the Philippines—her father has passed
Three children: Noel, Rodell, Dennis—all sons
Her children adored her
Wants to go home, can’t get back—no money back in the Philippines, can’t use her right hand, can’t walk, two large swells on her face--along her jawlines
Clothes—no clothes? She made clothes in the Philippines? She kept point at my clothes and her clothes.
Her sons are big, bigger than me—age range 30-50 (age kept changing for each children, she can’t remember very well)
Debt? One of her sons is in debt?
No money
Near the end, I tried scooting closer to her (almost to the point of resting my chin on her arm rest) since I still couldn't really hear her very well. While she was talking she suddenly touched my face and pulled back my hair a little. It shocked me, but I didn't want to pull back in fear of hurting her. After a little while, she reached out to me and I let her touch my hair in a gesture that seemed like she was trying to pull back my hair again.
With the play-doh, she made random shapes. Just played with them and laughed--she laughed when I told her I had no idea what I was making, too. After a while when I got the courage to ask her a question, the play-doh shapes she made slowly molded back into one as she talked more and more about her despairs.
You guess how old i am...I'm younger than you think...i'm 95
my mother lived to be 135"
Bob is from Kentucky and used to be really into horse racing and won a lot of money from betting.
He likes baseball.
He also likes cats and has had about 10 cats over the years.
He does NOT like riding planes.
"I'll never fly again...when it comes down it's bad news
Bob likes riding trains for transportation.
He has been on a plane before though, to Europe.
He has been to France and Germany.
"pray before you get on a plane"
Interview with Niaz
N: I can only speak English. Ok, I know ice cream in Turkish. It's "Don durma."
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
What's your family like? Your relationships?
Anita: Ooohh. I actually, my father is my role model—like, I really want to be like my father. He’s always being honest and everything. He never, like, cheating—he never really committed, you know like, crime even if it’s like minor crime. He never done it, and just—it’s like he rather be fooled than fooling people.
Me: Oooh.
Anita: Like, cause he think if—he thinks it’s better rather than being a fool, he knows he’s not a fool he’s just trying to, like.
Me: Yeah.
Anita: Yeah. And my mother—I’m really, really close with my mother. Like, I call her everyday.
Me: D’awww
Anita: And then, if I’m like back in Korea, I always stay next to her and bother her all the time. Like, “What are you doing? Why aren’t you paying attention to my conversation?!”
Anita + Me: (laughs)
Anita: As much as you get used to it, like, blah blah blah and just bother her all the time. I’m like mama-girl.
Me: (laughs)
Anita: And my brother—I used to be close, but…we’re close, but he’s like, uh, grade eleven—he’s in grade eleven now. So he’s still like, you know, like in high school--they’re like teenagers.
Me: Yeah, yeah.
Anita: Adolescent and blah blah blah. Yeah. Yeup, that is my family members.
Me: (laughs) Sounds like—Sounds like a very good family.
Anita: Mm, yup!
I know we're done with dreams but...
I had the most BIZARRE dream the night before last, and it's extra weird because I remember all of it.
My boyfriend and I were walking in a field, and this military helicopter lands in front of us. A little troop got out and told me the vampires were back (back from where? Not sure.) Brian and I were horrified and upset. But the troops told us even more bad news-- They were stronger, faster, and had learn how to reanimate the dead as vampires. Not just newly dead either, like they could completely regenerate flesh, bone, and mind. Not zombies, but functional vampires.
Then I was in an art gallery, were I was having a show of my high school art work from last year, but I was going crazy because I couldn't find my Nirvana themed art (never done Nirvana themed art.. I had one piece with one lyric in it... I don't know.) Every room I went in was full of MCR art, and I was getting pissed off. I went into this all white room and there was nothing but some workers repainting the walls white, and My Chem playing on a TV screen. I turned around and found this older man, and he said something along the lines of, 'hey kid, you didn't hear this from me, but your art is in the alley, inside the ice cellar. But be careful cause there's some reckless kids with a freight train out there."
Of course, I rushed out to the alley, but the kids were out there with the freight train aimed at three girls in a bathtub. I screamed NO! but it was too late and they killed them with the train, and the tub filled with blood and overflowed. I went over and lectured the people driving the train, and they apologized and the girls got out of the bathtub and were like 'dude, we're fine.' got in a car and drove off.
With that mess taken care of, I went to the ice cellar and still couldn't find the Nirvana art, so I gave up and went back in the building. The first room I walked into was the room with my Nirvana art! And there was only one person in there looking, and he had his back to me. He was blond. I was like 'hey man, what's up! You like what you see?' or something else totally lame. He turned around and it was Kurt Cobain, with vampire marks on his neck. I was like WUT. And he was like 'i appreciate your creativity but don't use my shit in your art.' and I was like okay. But all I could think was how Brian had to meet him, so I went and got him, and when we got back Kurt was still there but told us not to be creepy and follow him, cause he wanted to keep a low profile.
SOOOO me and Brian went home and laid on my bed, looked up at the sky (cause the room had no ceiling) opened umbrellas and let them go like balloons.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Interview with Charlotte
CHARLOTTE: Um, I have lot of memories like that, oh. I guess, when I was a little, I had a lot of ants in my house,
ANITA: really???!! Ants?!
CHARLOTTE: yeah, E-V-ERI-WHE-RE-. it’s like epidemic.
ANITA: ewwwwwww.
CHARLOTTE: really weird. And I was really scared of them, I am still scare of them now-, so usually if I see them I like scream to mom to help me. I WAS REALLY SCARED OF THE ANTS. One time I was playing by myself in the living room and my mom was taking nap. I had all these blankets and one was laid on the floor and I SEE these THE LITTLE ANTS CRAWLING ALL OVER my blanket- I started screaming I was like jumping on the couch, I don’t know to do so I just managed to ran over these to my mom, “MOM- WAKE UP- WAKE UP- I NEED HELP. The ants are everywhere-“ and my mom, I guess she was really tired, she yelled at me to stop bothering her, (giggle) I just cried by myself, I just set on the couch, waiting for the ants to disappear so I can go back to my blanket. (giggle)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Interview With Zach Hutchinson
Zach: Rabbits are usually mean. They’re not really good pets.
Casey: Yeah, they’re really bad pets.
Interview Quote
-Raven, when asked what colors describe her personality.
This is Victor's Post
Anywhere you used to like/want go when you were a kid?
"I wanted to go on a road trip yea but like ummm what was is it... the only problem is that I like get car sick a lot." - Megumi
Alyssa's haunting
Michael : Have you ever had any contract with any supernatural or strange, mysterious occurrences?
Alyssa: Oh, a lot. A lot, actually.
Michael: Give me and example.
Alyssa: I’m pretty sure my old middle school is haunted. (Pause) Yeah, so basically, like, I’d go to the bathroom in my middle school and I would, like, hear footsteps and I’d ask if anyone was there and then I’d look down and there’d be no one there but I could hear the footsteps clearly and they were in the bathroom, like walking, around the stalls, but there was nobody there.
And, um, also at that same school there was, like, this ghost that a bunch of other people would see that was like in the corner, kind of by this hill, and it was like a female figure, like all white, and, like, you would think that you saw something and then you’d look away and it was gone. (Pause) I’m trying to think.
I’m pretty sure that my friend’s basement was also haunted. Like there were people that were actually murdered there and we would sleep over there and we would just like hear really weird sounds. And – it was – it was freaky, it was really scary. Yeah. But I would still sleep there and I’m pretty sure her next-door neighbors were haunted. But, yeah it was weird. There’s a few more but it’s a lot to go into (laughter).
Victor says um a lot
ALYSSA: yeah it’s been awhile. And then wait; what’s your biggest fear?
VICTOR: My biggest fear um, this was also on facebook on that 30 day challenge um I don’t know if I’m really like terrified of them but I really really don’t like centipedes.
ALYSSA: really?
VICTOR: like they shouldn’t have that many legs and they’re not supposed to move in that kind of way-
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Free Internet Dating from Zachary Hutchinson on Vimeo.
A short film by Zachary Hutchinson exploring an exploited reflection of life through dating, internet culture and loneliness.
incase you guys wanted to see it again :D
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
and due to my religion, i could not share most of my dreams.
i will just share the dream i had before.
1. the ghost
I don't know why, but i was doing laundry with my highschool friends.
We were waiting in line to give our clothes to the laundry people.
and i saw my mom.
After doing laundry, i found myself standing at the shore of a random lake.
The atmosphere of the lake was very creepy. It was subtle, with awkward silence and very foggy.
The weather suddenly changed to winter. I saw the lake quickly getting frozen.
When I look down on my feet, I saw a fishing pole.
I have never done fishing, but i was fishing.
I threw a fishing line over the horizon line, and i stroke something.
As i stroke the thing, under the frozen surface of the lack,

A white t-shirt, a pants with a shoulder strap, and a pair of brown shoes.
The clothes were in shape if as a person is wearing them.
As soon as i realized the thing, the clothes, I saw the black shadow slipping under the clothes and quickly disappear to the horizon of the lake.
Within only a few second, i saw eyes, the eyes of the black shadow.. starring at me.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
It's Not Midnight Yet!
Wine Red
The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You
Cemetery Drive
*****The lyrics in this video are especially effed, so you might wanna look those up separately. This was the only semi-clear recording I could find on youtube though, sorry. The song is really beautiful though
Meh, lyrics videos suck, but I want the words to be what impacts you guys.
greatpoets is a livejournal community that shares poems. Members share their favorite poems of all time periods. The archive is huge--the user info says that there are 11,599 entries submitted, and most of them have to be poems.
In my childhood I was a fervent worshiper of the tiger-not the jaguar, that spotted "tiger" that inhabits the floating islands of water hyacinths along the Parana and the tangled wilderness of the Amazon, but the true tiger, the striped Asian breed that can be faced only by men of war, in a castle atop an elephant. I would stand for hours on end before one of the cages at the zoo; I would rank vast encyclopedias and natural history books by the splendor of their tigers. My childhood outgrown, the tigers and my passion for them faded, but they are still in my dreams. In that underground sea or chaos, they still endure. As I sleep I am drawn into some dream or other, and suddenly I realize that it's a dream. At those moments, I often think: This is a dream, a pure diversion of my will, and since I have unlimited power, I am going to bring forth a tiger.
Oh, incompetence! My dreams never seen to engender the creature I so hunger for. The tiger does appear, but it is all dried up, or it's flimsy-looking, or it has impure vagaries of shape or an unacceptable size, or it's altogether too ephemeral, or it looks more like a dog or bird than like a tiger.
- Jorge Luis Borges
The Dog Kennel By the Palace
A thinker erects an immense building, a system, a system which embraces the whole of existence and world-history, etc - and if we contemplate his personal life, we discover to our astonishment this terrible and ludicrous fact: that he himself personally does not live in this immense high-vaulted palace, but in a barn alongside of it, or in a dog-kennel, or at most the porter's lodge. If one were to take the liberty of calling his attention to this by a single word, he would be offended. For he has no fear of being under a delusion, if only he can get the system completed ... by means of the delusion.
- Soren Kierkegaard
Presentation Day
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Super interesting and eye opening article about women's beliefs about FAS. Like, really? She really thought it was okay to drink beer. Cool. Go America.
Desperate to see where I was, I walked up to the window, pulled the white curtains and only saw lights. Confused, I asked her where was I. She gave me an evil smile and told me to stay here while they were getting something. These two walked sideways for some reason and I didn't feel like waiting. I grabbed that thing and Inae angrily tried to snatch that away. Before she could get her hands one me, I was awake suddenly.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
salmon the dreamer
This is what I dreamed in February 14th 2011.
I was wearing military uniform and holding a rifle gun. I noticed I was moving in a military truck without knowing where I was going. When I arrived, I saw the paved square ground, which looked like swimming pool with no water in it. I started to look around myself. I was in a dark and gloomy room, but I could still recognize soldiers’ faces. The light shed only on their faces. Then I stopped looking around and faced directly to the paved ground. Suddenly, I realized paved ground was filled with thousands of Vietnamese fishermen. I couldn’t visualize the number of soldiers in dark room, but I could hear their loud screaming noises. What I could see was Vietnamese fishermen wearing aprons and holding sashimi knives. It was funny because they were in barefoot. They were also wearing one sleeve short and one sleeve long shirt, but rolled up. Usually the short sleeve side of hand was holding a knife.
I started to shoot all of them. The Vietnamese fishermen started to fall down one by one. I couldn’t see any blood or sign of pain on their faces.
Few minutes passed quickly. When I relooked at the paved ground, I realized Vietnamese fishermen have changed into little Vietnamese, Mexican, Jewish and Arabian girls and boys. They looked around seven to eight years old. The boys looked younger than the girls. The boys were also wearing dirty white shirts and short pants. The girls were wearing white sleeveless dresses with long hair. Those girls and boys looked really skinny, but they had most dark and beautiful eyes. I knew I had to shoot them anyways. So I started to shoot one by one again. This time, the boys and girls didn’t fall down like how Vietnamese fisherman did. Instead, they were jumping around to grab golden and silver Kisses chocolates and some golden coin chocolate that were falling from the ceiling. It was unusual experience. I felt joy by looking at those shining boys and girls. At the last moment, I shot this one girl’s helium balloon and then I woke up.

I put my things up on the belt at the things super market to get bought some of things i had stolen them last time i was there so i quick put them back into bookshelf.
Arthur notices and gets suspicious. I take his snow pants from under the table and try to buy them and then he gets mad annnnd i wake up.
If you're interested...
Dream Journal / Blog: Entry #5
These two are from last night...
I remember this clearly from before I was ten years old
Babies, and Puppies, and Robberies.
Last night was wierd, I remember having three dreams, two of which I can remember completely and one that I think had something to do with cupcakes? I think about cupcakes a lot recently, haha.
These are from last night:
1. My boyfriend Brian and I were outside of a Fed Ex near my house (what we need Fed Ex for... I have no clue. And he recently, in real life, got into a huge fight with someone at a gas station, where I thought we were both gonna die. Maybe that's where this dream stemmed from? But a homeless man came up to the car. Brian had just gotten out and I was in the car. The man reached for Brian's door and yanked on the handle, and it came opened but I pulled it shut. I was mad and scared so I flipped him off. He started yelling at me and calling me a bitch, and reached for it again, so Brian hit the lock button on the remote key and locked me in and I couldn't get out and I was screaming and crying and trapped in the car because the man pulled a knife and stabbed Brian. When Brian fell, he took the keys and unlocked the car, and stole the cupholder where Brian keeps toll change (it's not removable in real life.)
It felt like I was actually there, so real in fact that I texted Brian at 3:13 AM and said "That was scary. Wewwshouldnt go there anymore+" I only know this because he just texted me "Go where?" and I was like "What?" so I checked my sent box. Yay for REM texting?
2. Had a dream my mom bought a surprise puppy last night. It was a really weird breed, and it was REALLY small. But it had really similar features/qualities to the big flying dog in the Neverending Story. Meh.\
I have some old dreams that I'll literally never forget.
3. When I was 11 or so, my cousin died of cancer, she was 5. I had a dream right after that she was at my house and kept asking to play with me. I said "Pamela, stop, we can't play because you're dead!" and she took a few steps back and asked me why I would tell her that. And then her eyes rolled back and blood came out of every orifice and pore on her face. Scariest dream ever.
4. The day I met Brian, I didn't know his name really I just kinda saw him? Well, that night I dreamt of him, and my subconscious named him Max? I don't know why. ANYWAY. I had an extremely bad crush on Brian in real life so in my dreams, he walked me home from the park and we held hands. I was super happy and went inside and fell asleep.
WELL when I woke up the next morning, I was pregnant. Like full term ready-to-pop preggers. I was like "WTF?!" And told my mom, who immediately kicked me out. I had nowhere to go so I waited at the park til 'Max'/Brian showed up, and told him I had to live with him. He was like 'Sure.' so I got on the pegs on his bike and we went to his house. But I'd never been in his house, just his backyard, and apparently my subconscious couldn't build a house, so I lived in his backyard on an aluminum swing set, hahahaha.
The last part of the dream, I went to a dance by myself (where's Max? No clue.) and no one would dance with me because I was clearly pregnant. And over all the music, I could hear really loud ticking. I was like 'Really? Who brings such a LOUD watch to a dance?' and then the ticking got faster and I started to panic and then my belly exploded and I was just screaming. So scary. I was like 15 when I dreamt this. Absolutely horrifying.
Also, this is tough because I almost ALWAYS dream about babies and marriage because I think about it a lot, and I don't want my project to be annoyingly cutesy gross, nor do I want to post those 'cause it's embarrassing how much I think about those things. And if it's not babies or marriage, it's MCR. Which is a little more embarrassing, but may make better project material? Eh. I'll go with MCR. It's a little less personal, I'm sure no one wants to hear my dreams for my future.
5. I had one recently, and me and like fifteen other people were waiting in a VIP area for a concert, which is going to be in April (April 15th YAYA!). We were going to wait there, for 3 months, on a rickety 'VIP' wooden balcony. In the middle of a lake. So Brian was kinda like, 'Wtf Erin, lets just go home until April.' And I was so opposed to this. I was like 'NO. WE NEED TO JUMP THE LINE.' Well, patience paid off because about ten people left, and everyone was like hesitant. But then Gerard showed up in his Killjoy outfit and was like 'Why did you bother to wait? in this really wise tone. Think Batman in the Dark Knight. That intense. And no one answered, they all kinda just stared. So I yelled, 'Because WHO would miss this show?!!'
Gerard just kinda nodded, and there was a big green light, and everyone was like 'Ahhhh, oohhh,' and then all the remaining 'VIP' people were in superhero outfits (kind of a theme in the new album ha), armed with rayguns and other cool shit. We patrolled the show. It was so cool. Hahahahah I suck.
6. Alyssa is in this one!
So MCR was at my house, but they were all avoiding me because I think I was creeping them out (big surprise. Me creeping, yeah right!).
They were all hungry, so I gave them pizza (I had pizza that night in real life ha.) Then Gerard was whining and said 'I want something sweet...' So I gave him a banana? I dunno. Then I tried to talk to him again, and I was creeping him out so he pawned me off on Mikey, the bassist, and then they all just left without saying goodbye and I was really sad. Well, Gerard pop up chatted me on facebook and was like 'hey what was that food you so piously shared with me today?' and I said 'bananas?' and then he sent me a painting of bananas. I was like YOU PAINTED THAT FOR ME! and he was like 'yup :D!' Then Alyssa chatted me too and was like it's true, he did, I'm right here with him. It was nuts.
tl;dr I have a lot of wierd dreams.
Monday, February 21, 2011
More dreams
I used to have these dreams that came in a series, though I only really remember two. Sometimes I'll flashback to a dream I had a few years prior, but I don't have dreams like I did as a kid (if I do, I don't remember them). Just to clarify, what I mean by series of dreams is that I'll have a dream one day and the next day my dream will be a continuation of the previous dream. Like a TV show except kind of horrifying.
One particular series of dreams that I remember lasted at least a week. The basic premise of these dreams were that I was living in a half utopia, half distopia world where technology had greatly advanced and there were these amazingly tall buildings. There were also slums and dirty alleyways and a lot of danger. Most, if not all, of the danger was directed towards children. Children, in my dream, were being hunted for either sport or they were seen as a nuisance to the nation. I was part of a group of children who just try to live as long as possible until we weren't children anymore. Each dream began with us running away, a new teammate (oddly, someone who I had seen on TV or someone in real life) and usually that new guy would die among other kids in my group by the end of the dream.
The men, or just a man, who hunted us were big guys with big guns or just really powerful weapons. They enjoyed the sport.
What I remember most vividly is the very last day I had this dream series. We found a car, I think a green jeep, that was sort of abandoned and kind of mounted a bit on its side. It was also in my home, at the end of the hallway that connected to the front door area and had a closet where we kept our junk. Anyway, the smart guy in our group checked out the car and told us that it was good and we could drive it. We all rejoiced, because a car meant we could get away faster and a place to sleep--it was something safer than just running around. Suddenly, a lazer beam shoots up from the ground and through the smart boy's heart. The ground erupts and the hunter comes out with a cry. All of us kids scream and run away in all different directions.
I ran into the kitchen, which is just a bit down the hallway. To explain, there's a small sort of window space that lets you see out of the kitchen to the living room and vice versa. I try to hide in the dark and I see the hunter stalking down the hall, trying to find one of us kids. I suddenly feel a burst of courage, being in my home made me feel safer in a way. I run out of the kitchen and in front of the hunter. I fight with him and I manage to knock him onto the ground. In his hands was the lazer shooter, and before he could use it, I slam my foot on his hand and the controller. I won. The kids rejoice, I pose triumphantly. The End.
As a segway, I had another dream that was similar to this one, except it was just one day. I was the leader of a bunch of children and we were trying to run away from this giant monster creature. I just remember a lot of running in dark, grey-blue lands (kind of like what you'd expect old time Great Britain would look like) and especially running up a series of stairs. I think I lost a shoe at one point, and I remember stepping into a puddle. At the top of the stairs was this giant castle/cathedral like structure which was a safe haven for all the children. I have all the children run into the building, but for some reason I stay back. Either for some reason the building is too full or I decided to face the monster. I remember seeing one kid at each side of the door hiding in crevices with torches in their hands. I hear a growling noise after a short while and I turned to see a giant wolf snarling at me, lunging towards my face. The last thing I remember is its giant teeth and tongue. So I assume I died, since I woke up right then.
Past Dream #2: " I Throw Rocks At Myself "
I Don't Want Your Boyfriend
Dream Journal / Blog: Entry #4
Past Dream #1: Three Dreams In The Fog
Sunday, February 20, 2011
weird dream
kangaroo manicure
Shark Fishing :)
thats all i remember.
Dream Journal / Blog: Entry #3
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Dream Journal / Blog: Entry #2
Dream Journal / Blog: Entry #1
Friday, February 18, 2011
I actually remembered a dream!
I don't exactly remember how it started, but I remember there a feeling of urgency and something getting me or something like that (which is almost every dream I have).
The parts that I do remember are pretty odd. Me, my family (or maybe a new imaginary family, I can't remember faces) and a bunch of other families that I either know somehow or we're all just in this adventure together for some reason get together for this vacation. And there's this feeling of urgency again, like as if me and the other families MUST do this (my POV also shifts a lot; sometimes I'm a dad for two young girls). So we all hurry and get our belongings packed and move on to this guy.
This guy, my mind registers him as either the director or the artistic creator of the animated movie Robots and another movie that made me spasm with joy. He has glasses, a receding hair line, his shnozz is pretty noticeable--basically, a bookish man who kinda looks like Ben Kingsley (not his Ghandi role, but the one from Schindler's List), but not really. The vacation he offers us as we all gather in his little study room (like a Harvard literature professor's dusty study but somehow more spacious in a weird space defying way) offers vacation via our dreams.
He says simply that our vacation is our dreams--we'll spend about a week and a half in another world together which will last just a few seconds (in movie terms, Inception-like limbo *gags*). We gain the knowledge at some point that if we remember that we're dreaming while we're dreaming, the vacation is over and we wake up. Anyway, so we all go into our dream and there are flowers and I think bookshelves that don't have anything in them somewhere. Very bright, white and yellow colors. My POV switches in the dream. I become either some young man or maybe my dad or the Dad of the two daughters I mentioned earlier but I can't remember. I realize it's a dream and I start panicking for some reason. Then I go to me, actual physical me, and tell me that it's all a dream. Then I reply to...myself, I guess, that I know that it's all a dream and that I chose to stay in the dream. Then I continue to frolic in flowerbeds.
That's all I remember. I have an itch to scratch--I want to tell all the wacky strange, sexual, super violent, romantic and adventurous dreams I've had. They're all so weird. I guess another day.
Bizarre Dream Of The Week
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
SLEEP on Radiolab

For those of you looking for sound-activated recording options, here's a link to the software I mentioned: Dream Capture - though I just read a lot of reviews from people who had trouble getting the free version to work. In looking back at my former student's post, it looks like he wound up just buying a voice recorder from Radio Shack or Best Buy that can be voice activated. Here's the piece he made with that audio for those who are interested.
Looking forward to your posts this week on dreaming and sleep. Sweet Dreams!
YOUR Opinion Wanted!
Here are a few opinions:
YOU decide!
Penny for Your Thoughts?
We collect thoughts ... here are some samples of what we have gathered from the citizens of Downtown Chicago ... some more bizarre than others ...
-I don't get to see my boyfriend as often as I'd like ...
-I need advil ...
-We need a run-off for the upcoming Mayoral Election; it would be beneficial for the media ...
-Thought of impermanence ...
-Put a cup of water under your bed at night to draw out all your bad feelings or issues that are troubling you in life ... -
-I love Chicago; I know very little English ...
-I've lived here since 1984, I'm a tour director and I take photos for my son in New Zealand ...
-Sex, Summer, Tattoos ...
-The Bean; I think it's big ...
Have a thought? We'd love to hear it.
This is some of the gang at work in Millennium Park:
Save the Pudu!

In our most recent endeavors our team traveled to the heart of downtown Chicago, with a strong curiosity of the unknown and a few delicacies from the local 7-Eleven. We set up shop near corporate establishments throughout the city, advertising a desire to raise money for an endangered species native to South America. It was through this task that we were able to create an emotional bond between the spectator and this wild Pudu, a sympathetic cry for an animal in need of some simple generosity.
Known as "the smallest deer in the world," the Pudu calls its home Argentina and Peru, placed in the spotlight of danger every day due to deforestation and hungry predators. This tragic reality is in our voices as we shout out to the citizens of the downtown Loop and the surrounding areas for you to look into your hearts and make a donation. Any contribution, small or large, will benefit in saving this endangered species from disappearing forever.
Purchase our merchandise and spread the word to your fellow comrades ... the Pudu needs your help now before it's too late!
Our location varies day to day but we are typically located in the Loop area. We offer anything from tropical fruit to foreign nuts, from baked chips to southern jerky. Donations are welcome as well ... remember, every penny matters! No donation is too small!
So ask yourself ... what would YOU do if your home was threatened by a rabid puma or invading bulldozers? Save the Pudu ... save the world.