Sunday, February 28, 2010
OMG this is SOOO COOL!
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Kim wins ladies' figure skating gold medal

Oh my God..when she started to cry right after the performance...
I cried too... T_T
did anyone watch it?
here is the article (photo 33-39)
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Ghandi and Hovercrafts
The Queen of the Ice
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Cat Food
top Italian food writer has been suspended indefinitely from the country’s version of the television programme Ready Steady Cook for recommending stewed cat to viewers as a “succulent dish”.
RAI, the public broadcasting network, said that it had dropped Beppe Bigazzi, 77, for offering the recipe on La Prova del Cuoco, which is broadcast at midday on the main channel. Its switchboard was inundated with complaints from viewers and animal rights groups. Bigazzi said that casserole of cat was a famous dish in his home region of Valdarno, Tuscany.
“I’ve eaten it myself and it’s a lot better than many other animals,” he told viewers. “Better than chicken, rabbit or pigeon.” He said that for optimum flavour the meat should be “soaked in spring water for three days” before being stewed.
Elisa Isoardi, the programme’s presenter — who has a cat called Othello — tried to steer Bigazzi off the subject. Reports said that during the commercial break she and the show’s producers tried to persuade him to apologise to viewers but he refused.Carla Rocchi, the head of ENPA, the Italian society for the protection of animals, said that killing cats was illegal. Francesca Martini, the Deputy Health Minister, said it was “absolutely unheard of for a public service broadcaster to tell people how delicious cats are to eat”. She called for the producers to be investigated for criminal offences involving incitement to mistreat animals.
Bigazzi, a consumer affairs journalist and author of Cooking with Common Sense, has been one of the stars of La Prova del Cuoco for the past ten years. He is noted for his exuberant style and previously caused uproar by boiling lobsters live on the show. Yesterday he said that he had only been joking about the recipe, and he had been misunderstood.
He added: “Mind you, I wasn’t joking all that much. In the 1930s and 1940s, when I was a boy, people certainly did eat cat
in the countryside around Arezzo.” Food historians said that Italians in cities such as Vicenza devised cat recipes in times of economic hardship. Inhabitants of Vicenza are still nicknamed magnagati (cat eaters), and in some butchers’ shops rabbits are sold with their heads to assure buyers that they are not cats.
From pet to pot
• In his 1529 treatise on cookery, Ruperto de Nola recommended spit-roasting cat basted with garlic and olive oil. He wrote: “Take the garlic with oil mixed with good broth so that it is coarse, and pour it over the cat and you can eat it for it is a good dish”
• The Spanish expression pasar gato por liebre derives from the practice of hunters trying to sell skinned cats as hares. When butchered, the animals are supposed to look almost identical
• In 2007 Australians at a cooking contest in Alice Springs sought to curb the feral cat population by using them in a dish. One judge found the cat casserole so tough that she had to spit it out
• Last month legal experts in China responded to pressure from the country’s middle class and proposed a ban on eating cat and dog meat. Both are traditional Chinese dishes but if the law is passed people caught eating cats could face 15 days in prison
Expelled Korean Student

Five articles.
"Our world may be a giant hologram"
So where's the giant projector?.
Some genius scientists did some tests and things and discovered that the entire universe is actually probably just some big hologram or something. Really.
"Neural Advertising: The Sounds We Can't Resist"
Music to my ears.
Apparently there are some sounds that you just can't resist. At least subconsciously. And advertisers are taking advantage of this by sticking these sounds (such as a baby's laughter or sizzling bacon) into their ads in an effort to hook us in. And it works.
"Hollywood movies follow a mathematical formula"
Tell me something I don't know.
There was a scientist who thought it would be funny to time the length of every shot in a bunch of movies and then graph them. Sounds like a pretty kickin' Saturday night, if you ask me. Anyway he found that a lot of recent blockbusters follow a pattern.
"Hello Botox, Bye-Bye Sadness—But Not for the Reasons You Think"
But at least the wrinkles are gone.
It turns out that by restricting a person's ability to physically express emotions such as sadness, anger and happiness through their facial muscles, they will eventually become incapable of experiencing those emotions at all.
"Death on Facebook first - teen twins find out online their brother killed in triple-fatal crash"
Fancy that on your Facebook wall.
Two girls logged onto Facebook one morning to check and see how many pokes they got over the weekend, only to find their news feeds riddles with posts reading "RIP Bobby." Bobby was their brother, and they immediately called his cell phone to no avail. I imagine it must be pretty harsh to discover the death of a loved one through Facebook. Truly a sign of the times.
You don't have to be bipolar to be a genius – but it helps
Public losing faith in science
Monday, February 22, 2010
Uplifting the Poor, 1 Building at a Time
The Suspects Wore Louboutins
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010

MOSCOW, Idaho — The giant Palouse earthworm has taken on mythic qualities in this vast agricultural region that stretches from eastern Washington into the Idaho panhandle — its very name evoking the fictional sandworms from "Dune" or those vicious creatures from the movie "Tremors."
The worm is said to secrete a lily-like smell when handled, spit at predators, and live in burrows 15 feet deep. There have been only a handful of sightings.
But scientists hope to change that this summer with researchers scouring the Palouse region in hopes of finding more of the giant earthworms.
Conservationists also want the Obama administration to protect the worm as an endangered species, even though little research has been done on it.
The worm may be elusive, but there's no doubt it exists, said Jodi Johnson-Maynard, a University of Idaho professor who is leading the search for the worm.
To prove it, she pulled out a glass tube containing the preserved remains of a fat, milky-white worm. One of Johnson-Maynard's graduate students found this specimen in 2005, and it is the only confirmed example of the species.
The worm in the tube is about 6 inches long, well short of the 3 feet that early observers of the worms in the late 1890s described. Documented collections of the species, known locally as GPE, have occurred only in 1978, 1988, 1990 and 2005
A school fires a secretary for speaking spanish to parents who can't speak english.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Food & Dreams
Similar rumours abounded about mince pie, according to this article from the Reader around Christmas time. Apparently it gave you hallucinatory dreams if you ate too much, and led to several murders.
Consider the case of Albert Allen of Chicago, arrested in 1907 for shooting his wife in the head. "It was this way," Allen was quoted as saying by the Trenton Times, "I ate three pieces of mince pie at 11 o'clock and got to dreaming that I was shaking dice. The other fellow was cheating and I tried to shoot his fingers off. When I awoke, I was holding the pistol in my hand and my wife was shot."
Read the whole article here:
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Last night I dreamt that I moved into a new apartment. It felt like more of an urban loft space; lots of wood, brick and metal. The living room seemed like a little nook but, when you walked into it, it actually was about 40 feet long and had a long long couch to match. In fact it didn't seem to end at all.
I went downstairs and the landlord was very young and really weird. He dressed like a pirate and I remember thinking he wouldn't be very helpful. He put up a sign on the storefront restaurant downstairs from the apartments saying "Do you mind? I have to walk through this place to get home and it smells like SHIT!"
This dream went on but that's the part worth sharing...
Changing 3 lanes with no blinker on. Good luck everyone else!

The Floating Effect

I had this dream where I was walking ridiculously fast through a suburban neighborhood. I mean I was really going at an uncomfortably quick pace for walking. Occasionally I would stop and jump into the air for no particular reason. Anyway, I figured if I held my breath, I'd descend to the ground slower than normal. I'd Just jump, hold my breath and float in the air for about a minute until my feet could reach the ground. Eventually, I guess I got bored with that, because in no time at all and with no transition I found myself at my brother's apartment. It wasn't really my brother's apartment; it looked nothing like it, but you know how places in your head somehow feel familiar when in all actuality they're something completely different. And despite all evidence to the contrary, your mind convinces you: "Yeah. This is right. Why would I lie to you?" And then you think to yourself, "That's a good point" and don't question it further. You have no choice but to play along, though you know deep down that whatever this is, it's totally not what you keep telling yourself it is. So anyway, I'm at my "brother's apartment" and I open the fridge. It's jam packed with water bottles of hundreds of variations. In fact, I do believe that the refrigerator had grown in size, because there was way more space inside than the outside suggested. It looked like a huge aquarium with no fish. So I decided to have a drink, because what else do you do with a refrigerator full of water, and I mean, this is all a dream. What would happen if I didn't drink anything? I don't know because I grab a 3 gallon bucket and hold it a foot over my head to pour it straight down my gullet. Problem was, it didn't quench my thirst in the slightest. How could it, it's a dream, yeah? So I'm chuggin' this small cascade and it just keeps on pouring into my throat. I just feel pressure. When it's finally empty I feel a little light headed, a bit drunk. My coordination is gone and I'm staggering around the hallway giggling like I'm shite out of my mind. And that was really it. No big conclusion. Nothing really happened. I was like "What a weird dream."
Oh Noes Tiger!
Dream from last week
Monday, February 15, 2010
The dresser thieves.

I had this dream during an afternoon nap.
I was in a McDonald's restaurant. I ordered donuts and then went to sleep. When my donuts were ready they woke me up. The box of donuts was sitting on top of my dresser. I didn't know why the heck they had my dresser in their restaurant, so I started to complain that they had broken into my house and stolen it. The employees had a lot of attitude, and of course they denied it. There was a medicine box on top of my dresser as well. You know, the kind that is separated into days of the week. Only instead of a single row of seven boxes this one was like a calendar. Also the medicine was for cats. Cat medicine. I opened all the drawers and my stuff was gone. My underwear drawer was totally empty. So was my sock drawer. Can you believe it? I complained that NOT ONLY had they stolen my dresser, they had the NERVE to steal my clothes, too. You know I had my underpants arranged very specifically according to color coding and all, and they totally ruined my setup. Oh yeah, and then there was this huge gash running along the top with confetti pouring out. My dresser was bleeding confetti. So I complained some more. If they were going to steal my dresser and put it in a McDonald's (of all places), they could have at least handled it with care. Right? Well the two employees insisted that nothing was wrong and that I was overreacting. I tried to move but I couldn't. I sort of fidgeted and then collapsed. I still couldn't really move but I shouted at them as I wiggled around on the floor. There was a mattress. My step dad entered, I woke up.
Dreams n Stuff n Things

I dreamed that everyone’s farts turned into bubbles and could go through walls. And they only smelled when they popped so if you didn’t want to smell it then you could press your butt up against a wall and it would go into someone else’s room.
Bad Wolf
Thursday, February 11, 2010
taxidermy seakitten.....
Secrets Shared
I really respect what you're doing, it's terribly romantic.
So, I DID Get a Response...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Elevator Beauty

I am a member of the Elevator Club. We take photos of people on the elevator. You were in the same elevator cart as me, but you somehow slipped out before I could get picture.
You were tall and slender, with a no-nonsense demeanor. You were wearing a finely pressed black suit and a bright orange/red scarf that reminded me of the sun on the most beautiful Summer day. Your hair was short, but extremely fitting. You glanced at me briefly with your smoldering eyes, but unfortunately I couldn't work up the courage to ask you for a photo. You left shortly thereafter, most likely in an attempt to escape the somewhat awkward elevator encounter. I don't even know your name, but I think that I am in love. Please tell me you felt it too.
Help me, guys...
I've lost $16 worth stuff in the streets around the school...T_T
I've never ever thought that I would post a real ad right after the ad project....
Here's the ad...
See the Ad
the third space. street art..

We had a, we had two. It was around lunch time today (Feb. 10th), on Michigan Avenue between Madison and Monroe. I was on the phone (trying to figure out a time to drop off my research [all the papers and books haha] at my friend's house). I probably looked like a complete goob, dropping everything, but you helped me pick all of them up and put them neatly in my arms.
And as creepy as this sounds, two of my friends were waiting for me to get off the phone so we could go into my friend's studio for lunch. They're kind of jerks and one whipped out her camera and took pictures. I'm turning red just thinking about posting them. Convenient, eh? But also creepy; I'm plotting my revenge on them now.
I promise I'm not usually this clumsy, I could prove it to you if you wanted to join me for coffee sometime....I'm not really the type of girl to do this, know....
Library Romance - Will You Be ours?
We will cover you with love when next we see you, with caresses, with ecstasy. We want to gorge you with all the joys of the flesh, so that you faint and die. We want you to be amazed by us, and to confess to yourself that you had never even dreamed of such transports.... When you are old, we want you to recall those few hours, we want your dry bones to quiver with joy when you think of them. ~Gustave Flaubert
We saw you in the Library, we couldn't help but take notice of you as you sat there quietly reading your book. It was such a turn-on, it gave us a thought. Library three-way? Hot and steamy romance hidden among the stacks? Who would ever think that a library could be such a sexual haven? Meet us on Valentines Day for some three-way fun. Message us with what book you were reading so we know it's really you.
XOXO, Patty and Bertha
P.s. We took this picture of you and we have included a picture of ourselves - Maybe if you meet us we can make these two pictures come together minus the clothes ;)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Tired of eating alone
So a priest walks into a grocery store...
Man of God may have Good Book thrown at him
Updated 8:01 AM CST, Tue, Jan 26, 2010 NBC - Chicago
A Roman Catholic priest in West City of southern Illinois needs to read his commandments again.
Rev. Steven Poole was arrested on charges of theft Friday.
We're not Biblical scholars, but we're pretty sure there's a clear policy about stealing in his line of work.
Police arrested the 41-year-old priest at a Walmart, saying he had shoplifted butter and a sofa cover.
Poole had brought his items to a self-checkout aisle but did not scan a $3.22 container of butter nor a $60 sofa cover, according to investigators. While this might be chalked up to forgetfulness, his next act seemed quite deliberate.
The priest then allegedly walked to the store's bedding aisles, chose a memory foam mattress, and switched its pricing barcode with the barcode of a significantly-lower-priced item. The $145 mattress now rang up for $31.
Poole is also accused of having a stolen laptop computer power pack in his possession.
Village police arrested Poole and charged him with two felony counts of theft.
Butter, a new mattress, and a computer. It sounds like stealing may be the least of his sinful offenses.
Matt Bartosik is a Chicago native and a social media sovereign.
Wingwomen wanted - $30/hr
-Recognize that her presence alone and her silence are often all that are needed!
-Understand or be willing to learn the counter-intuitive principals of how men really attract women.
Beautiful Purple Sleeping Bag Coat
Someone Who Genuinely Likes to Make Children Cry
He's a Keeper

I miss you so much. I wish we could be together...

I have missed you so much. I miss the days of walking the halls and pretending we didn't love each other. I miss the days and sitting across from you at school and laughing until my whole body hurt. You were my best friend. You finally admitted your feelings for me and we fell hard and fast in love. Then I moved and you broke my heart. You shattered it. We didn't speak for months. I finally moved back and you treated me like nothing ever happened. You had moved on and left me in despair. I dated other people and you did the same. We went our separate ways after graduation. You went into the Army. Months past and it was Christmas time and we started talking again. My heart filled with so much happiness.
I remember laying on the floor of your parents living room watching movies and talking. I remember laying next to you at night hoping that you would wrap your arms around me. You didn't. We fell apart, again. You went back to "her." We stopped talking once again.
You told your Army friends stories about me and the things we did.
In early March you started passing me off to your Army friends. Finally one of them I fell for. I could tell you hated things working out. Then over the summer, you came home one last time before training. We went and saw movies and walked around. We sped around town with the music blasting. We laid in your basement talking. And wrestling. You pinned me and I have never felt so pleased and excited and wanted. Then we kissed. Deeply. You told me you loved me for the third time. I wanted more of you. As I sat on the couch you pulled me close to you and held me. We talked about getting married and having a kid or two.
When I asked you to tell me if you saw a future for us, you couldn't answer. You didn't want to hurt me. You told me to go and find someone to make me happy. I sat in your car at Sonic sobbing. Again you shattered my heart.
I am with an amazing man now. The one you introduced me to. We have a son together. You and I still talk like we are best friends. Like nothing happened. It kills me everyday. Because I am settling for someone else. And its all I'll ever have. You know I'm the one you are supposed to be with. Even your family thinks so.
in my country or I believe, any other oriental countries. And what this ad makes me sad about is that we would be the country that would offer abandoned children, still, in the 21st century.
So I actually respect Americans who adopt children from any other part of the world.
I've seen so many Koreans who went back to Korea to find their mothers and had to came back without meeting them. There are even movies or dramas related with the situations in Korea. I always felt very sorry but ashamed at the same time.
Even though I understand why we barely adopt anyone in my country, (it's because of the blood logic thing, which has been passed from generations to generations for thousands of years)
I still don't understand why we are the still one who send the children to foreign lands.
What do you think? I wanna hear from you who are Americans.
p.s. I really think that this is the sweetest ad I've ever seen in my entire life.
please someone else find this funny!

Established Male Singer/Frontman Available
Looking for a working situation at the casino level...Pop/Classic Rock/Party Band/Oldies/Tribute., I have recorded two original CD's (available on Itunes), been the frontman for various bands & most recently completed a 5 year run as "The Wedding Singer" in "Tony & Tina's Wedding" in Las Vegas. Looking to relocate to Seattle. Check out my website for more info or call 702-316-4136.
i've always wanted to be someones missed connection...
Human Soul (Black Friday Special)
Looking For Drummer:
Do you like Tommy Ramone and Bun E. Carlos? Do you have a decent drum set and a car? Can you practice once a week, play one weekend gig a month, and occasionally travel to Portland or Vancouver?
We're two fortysomethings who can still rock out like a true punk band. We drink beer, but not enough to puke. We have a bunch of originals and one cover song. Listen to the lo-fi demos, and if you want to help us make better recordings, e-mail us: allegations AT earthlink DOT net.
This guy is a freak:
I am seeking a cool, trustworthy female roommate with benefits. I would expect you to contribute a little towards rent, etc but not too much. You would need to prove to me that you have a source of steady income, I would also ask that you to be fairly neat and pick up after yourself. I am open to all races, body sizes and ages 18 to 55. One small child might be ok but no pets.
I am open to a short term situation or long term situation, who knows if we hit it off then the possibilities are endless. I have a small house and a small unfurnished bedroom and you will have full use the house including washer, dryer, high speed internet, cable tv and of course me. I am passionate, drama free, sane, laidback, funny and a pretty cool guy just bored with the dating scene and needing more in my life.
Please tell me a little about yourself and why you would be my perfect roommate, please also send a pic and lets meet up soon. The room can be available within a few days.
Put sexy roommate in the subject line or your reply will not be read and simply deleted.